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Contract title: Supply of equipment and Construction works at Automatic Observatory Tower \AOT\ for detection of forest fires within Project No CB005.1.165: Prevention and minimization of Risks for the Environment and Vision for iNnovative Tools /PREVENT/; Priority Axis: Environment; Specific Objective 1.1 Preventing and mitigating the consequences of natural and man-made disasters in the cross-border area; Type of project: Investment, financed by the European Union, in accordance with the rules of Interreg – IPA CBC Bulgaria – Turkey Programme |
Publication reference: BG-TR/165-SUPPLY-01 Municipality of Dimitrovgrad, Republic of Bulgaria, announced a Contract Award Notice after realizing a Local Open Tender with subject” Supply of equipment and Construction works at Automatic Observatory Tower \AOT\ for detection of forest fires” in Municipality of Dimitrovgrad with financial assistance from the Interreg – IPA CBC Bulgaria – Turkey Programme. The Contract Award Notice will be also published on the Bulgaria-Turkey IPA Cross – Border Programme official website: and on the project’s website: Annex : Contract Award Notice |
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Uzunkopru Municipality intends to award a supply contract for Equipment for Flood Information System and Equipment for Rainfall Station and Water Level Station in Uzunkopru in Uzunkopru/Turkey with financial assistance from the INTERREG IPA CBC Bulgaria-Turkey Programme. The tender dossier is available from Uzunkopru Municipality– Halise Hatun Mahallesi Atalar Cad. 22200 Uzunkopru/EDİRNE and will also be published on Uzunkopru Municipality’s, Project’s and Programme’s web site: , and
Publication reference: CB005.1.11.165- PP2-B3
The deadline for submission of tenders is 20.10.2017 12:00 local time.
Possible additional information or clarifications/questions shall be published on the Uzunkopru Municipality’s web site: and Project’s web site:
You can find the documents and the tender dossier HERE.
“This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union through the Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria-Turkey Programme 2014-2020, CCI No 2014TC16I5CB005. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Uzunkopru Municipality and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union or the Managing Authority/ National Authority of the Programme.”
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First Press-Conference in Uzunkopru was realized in the frame of project PREVENT / CB005.1.11.165 funded under Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria-Turkey programme, and implemented under the coordination of the National Authority of the programme - Ministry of European Affairs in Turkey.
The Mayor of Uzunkopru Mr. Enis ISBILEN in its opening speech underlined the importance of the project and provided information for the Flood Early Warning System that will be installed on Ergene River and Kirkkavak Creek.
On the event the Vice Mayor of Munıcıpalıty of Dimitrovgrad Mr. Yasho MINKOV, represented the Bulgarian Lead project partner and in his opening speech presented information about the ımportance of the Control Centre and Automatic Observatory Tower (AOT) for detection of forests’ fires that wıll be installed in Dimitrovgrad.
The representatives of local media and member of the municipality took place on the event and received detailed information for the project activities and expected results.
In addition, a supply contract signing ceremony was held on whıch was sıgned a contract between Uzunköprü Municipality and the Contractor, whıch was selected for ınstallatıon of the early warning system ın Uzunkopru, after realızatıon of tender procedure accordıng the PRAG rules.
The installation of the system is planned to be completed in March 2018.
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A kick off meeting between the representatives of LP and PP2 was held in the premises of the Lead partner in Dimitrovgrad on 27.04.2017. The meeting lasted one working day. A local Driver,Project Coordinator and the Director of Environmental Control and Protection from Uzunkopru Municipality attended the meeting.
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Contract Award Notice Supply of Equipment for Flood Information System and Supply of equipment for Rainfall Station and Water Level Station in Uzunkopru REF: CB005.1.11.165 – PP2 – B3 |
Uzunkopru Municipality Administration / Edirne-Turkey announced Contract Award Notice after realized local open tender procedure for supply of Equipment for Flood Information System and Equipment for Rainfall Station and Water Level Station in Uzunkopru, located in Uzunkopru, Edirne Province/Turkey with financial assistance from the Interreg-IPA Bulgaria – Turkey CBC Programme. The Contract Award Notice will also be published on the Programme’s website: and on the following web site of Uzunkopru Municipality: and Annex: Contract Award Notice |
The content of this publication does not reflect the official opinion of the European Union. Responsibility for the information and views expressed in the publication lies entirely with the author(s). |